Personnel System


  • The human resources system is the backbone of the management of the establishment as it takes care of the development of human resources, which is one of the most important factors of success where the system of personnel affairs is concerned with the following:
  • Definition of departments: The different locations of the company where the insurance office is defined for this department as well as the available positions and also identify the employees who belong to this department / location
  • Define the different functions of the company where there is a set of data to be entered:
  • Job Title: Administration with this function / type of job / number of employees required for this job / minimum and maximum salary
  • Job description: It is a description of the basic duties to be performed by the incumbent
  • Experience / Skills: The years of experience that should be available to the incumbent will be entered into an analysis of posts as well as the skills to be met by the incumbent
  • Education and Certificates: The scientific degrees obtained from the time of graduation are defined as well as the certificates obtained.
  • The system is also able to obtain numerous reports analyzing all financial transactions performed on staff during the month such as payroll / staff salaries during the period / report of staff premiums / staff member / employee advances report / employee / employee absence report / employee / age group report.
  • Definition of vacations: Types of vacations for employees and linking them to employees contracts and full linkage with public accounts
  • Follow-up of social guarantees on employees with a complete file of insurance and linking them to the general accounts
  • Follow up medical insurance for employees